3 Reasons to Invest in a Cat Tree

#1 Provides Their Own Space

A tree allows your fur baby to perch high up, observe their surroundings, and feel a sense of security.

Having their own space also helps reduce stress and conflicts, especially in multi-cat households, as each cat can have their own perch or hideout on the tree.

#2 Protects Furniture and Redirects Scratching Behavior

By providing a cat tree with appropriate scratching surfaces, you can redirect their scratching behavior away from your furniture, curtains, or carpets.

The tree offers various textures and materials for them to scratch, keeping their claws healthy while protecting your home furnishings.

#3 Promotes Stimulation

Limbing, perching, and exploring different levels of the tree helps cats exercise and stay active.

It also provides mental stimulation as they navigate the tree, jump, scratch, and play, keeping their minds engaged and preventing boredom.